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Dreaming dreams...

The Retreat at Selah Farms began as a dream for our family. As we looked around and saw how many people, including us, were completely burnt out and stressed with life, we had the opportunity to go to a silent retreat at a monastery and it changed our lives. With screen time and work demands forever increasing, we made the choice to go upstream and provide a different experience for ourselves and others.


In the Bible, "Selah" is a unique term that can best be described as a comma or an interlude. In the midst of reading sentences or playing music the comma and interlude force you to slow down and take a breath before getting back into the action. Our hope is that the Retreat at Selah Farms can be just that break in your life. We know that life will not stop before you get here and it will start right back up when you pull out of the driveway, but we want you to get an opportunity to catch your breath and experience the best of what life has to offer. 

 - The Retreat at Selah Farms -

Living lives...

We met serving internationally and the rest is history. We felt from the very beginning that the Lord was calling us into ministry together and over the years that has taken many shapes and sizes. After spending years working in the inner city of Charlotte, NC we decided to move our family to the quaint town of Monroe. It was never viewed as an escape insomuch as it was an opportunity to create a space of refuge for others. The Retreat at Selah Farms was never about our family, it was always about His work and we think that resting in the Lord and meeting Him in nature is a mysteriously beautiful thing.


We have created this non-profit in order for our friends from the inner city to come out and experience a different side of life. We want those who are burnt out to be able to have a space for refuge. And in order to create this space - we need for this land to help us.


In an effort to make Selah Farms sustainable, we are becoming extremely imperfect "farmers" and we have opened up the land to be an event hosting facility as well. We are so excited to have you join us on this crazy adventure and be sure to check out the blog to see our most recent shenanigans. 

Our names are Michelle and Garrett - but we're just call us Meesh and Geesh. 

Meesh & Geesh
Venue with Purpose

Where dreaming lives...

and living thrives.

If you're interested in a "venue with purpose" then you have come to the right place. We never created the Retreat at Selah Farms to get rich - in fact, quite the opposite.


Through the money that is generated in our events it goes back into the local and international community. This money provides scholarships for kids from the inner city to go to summer camp, it helps with a few of our international partners who are working to love orphans and stop the sex-trade of young children, and overall it invests in something much bigger than The Retreat at Selah Farms will ever be.


If you want to learn about our international partners and those who we work with serving in Charlotte and around the country feel free to ask - we love to talk about them and you'll also see them featured in our blogs!

"Life's most persistent and urgent question is, "What are you doing for others?"
- Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
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